How To Accept Credit Cards On Your Website

Accept online payment

If you are a merchant aspiring to do business online, or if you are willing to expand your already existing business. You want to make it available for customers who like shopping online you must understand the process about how to accept credit cards on your website.

The most important thing that you should know here is data security. Transactions should be hundred percent secure, their credit card or debit card information could be compromised in the process of making payment to you.

You must make sure that PCI compliance is paid attention to the transaction. Transaction processed must properly encrypt and the tokenization method is followed.

Steps to Accept Credit Cards on Your Website

Own account

You can use your own banking details as a merchant account on your website. This is not a very trusted or widely used method however it is the easiest to do while not being forced to pay a fee to a third party. It is of vital importance you understand the advantages and disadvantages of having an own account on your website.

Advantages of accepting credit cards on your website

  • It is extremely easy to use. Your customers will have no problem whatsoever in processing the transaction, they will most probably not have to respond to OTP’s or other security checks.
  • The fraud protection is great. We all know that banks are protected by the FBIC amazon accounts.
  • Everything will be under your control, with no intermediary to interrupt the smooth processing of payments. The payment process is much faster.
  • Most importantly they will not be the name of a third-party payment processing company but your own company’s name.


You will not be paying a fee to a third-party Merchant but there will be a cost with a price tag which is especially for entrepreneurs. In case of any kind of disputes or hidden fees, you will have to handle the situation all by yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages of having a third-party account on your website

There are several companies offering payment gateways for customers to be able to process payments. The only drawback is that there will be a fee charged to you for every transaction. If you choose a payment processing company that charges you minimum fees, it would be ideal for you to go ahead with the third-party merchant payment gateway.


  • In the case of a third-party merchant account you do not have to worry about being disapproved to have it on your website.
  • In cases of disputes the third party will back you up they will work as the middleman so that you do not have to take the trouble of the paperwork, etc.

Disadvantage of accepting credit card payment on website

If you are a small Merchant, you might find it difficult to pay the fees. Recognized payment processing companies can have higher fees. During transactions, it will be their name that will appear instead of yours.

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